after applying a lock, a cage fighter can attempt to break a limb. BODY (+Strong) + Skill vs. BREAK.
If successful, opponent is injured. [-3 to attack / defense and initiative rolls.]CHOKEOUT
a sleeper hold.
| BODY [+strong] |
roll BODY [+strong] vs. Willpower. If successful, victim is choked out. They lose a turn and the cage fighter gets an entire turn of uncontested attacks.DEFENSE
bonus to Strike, Grapple + Rush Defense.
a limb trapping maneuver. once a lock is applied, automatic Break attempt. | BODY [+strong]
BODY [+strong] damage + automatic Break attempt.
immobilizing hold where attacker is sitting on top of victim.
BODY [+strong] to maintain mount.GROUND + POUND
once a mount or thai clinch is established, all strikes get a Skill level damage bonus. | uncontested attack
BODY [+strong] + Skill level damage.SHOOT
a lunging takedown. victim is taken off his feet and automatically mounted.
punches. kicks. elbows. knees. REFLEX [+quick]
BODY [+strong] damageTHAI CLINCH
grabs victim by back of head. BODY[+strong] | skill level damage bonus to strikes while in clinch.